      recid = {205752},
      author = {Mekonnen, Dawit and Bryan, Elizabeth and Alemu, Tekie and  Ringler, Claudia},
      title = {Food versus Fuel: Examining Tradeoffs in the Allocation of  Biomass Energy Sources to Domestic and Productive Uses in  Ethiopia},
      address = {2015},
      number = {330-2016-13461},
      pages = {26},
      year = {2015},
      abstract = {This paper explores the tradeoffs between domestic and  productive uses of biomass energy sources in the Nile Basin  of Ethiopia using a non-separable farm household model  where labor and other input allocations to energy  collection and farming are analyzed simultaneously. We  estimate a system of five structural equations using three  stages least squares and find that use of dung as a  domestic fuel source has a negative impact on agricultural  productivity while, use of fuelwood is associated with  increased productivity. In particular, on-farm production  of fuelwood appears to provide many benefits for crop  productivity and labor savings, by making fuelwood  collection easier and more convenient for households. The  results show that households remain reliant on multiple  sources of traditional biomass fuels and that these are  largely complementary. At the same time, rural households  have limited options to meet their domestic energy needs,  and most lack access to modern fuels and technologies. The  discussion suggests ways of making domestic energy  collection more efficient through policy interventions  aimed at the promotion of agroforestry and increasing  access to new energy-efficient technologies.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/205752},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.205752},