The goal of this article is to present the structure of mixed farms in accordance to the FADN economic
class sizes and the total amount of subsidies in different EU countries in the years 2004-2011. The data
comes from FADN. The research shows that the largest group of mixed farms are the farms with standard
output up to EUR 25 000, which account for 83.4% of the total number of mixed farms. 80% of the farms
are in Poland and Romania. In the years 2004-2006 there was an increase in the amount of subsidies in the
UE. In the year 2007 the level of subsidies was reduced by half. Since the year 2007 there had been another
growth in the level of subsidies. In the years 2004-2011 the amount of subsidies received by Poland was one
of the lowest in the UE. Farms in Finland received the highest level of subsidies per ESU while farms in the
Netherlands and Romania received the lowest amount of financial support. Decoupled payments constituted
two thirds of the subsidies for mixed farms.