The research paper discusses the concept of competitiveness of economy and analyzes export
as an indicator of it. The analysis is started by the historical review of export development.
Statistical data show that three Baltic countries have been following different path of export
growth since Russian crisis. Different export market orientation and manufacturing sector’s
longer reorientation process provide an explanation. Furthermore, the historical analysis shows
that export growth relation with foreign demand growth and GDP growth is not as strong as it
might be expected. In order to estimate possible long-run GDP growth prospects, the structural
analysis of trade is performed. The conclusions of the latter revealed high dependence of trade
on conjuncture in foreign markets and supported the need of further price and non-price
competitiveness analysis. Surprisingly, the results of the former indicate that price indicators do
little to explain export development. Conversely, the results of the latter, based on CMSA
methodology, show that market orientation of Lithuanian exports adds the most to its
competitiveness; meanwhile the product orientation is generally unfavorable. Finally, the
relation between FDI structure by countries and trade flows of processed industrial supplies is
analyzed. Although data analysis does not reject the existence of such hypothesis, a more detail
analysis should be conducted in the future.