Big dam for surface irrigation entails environmental degradation. Minor irrigation projects for ground water use are gradually being undertaken particularly in those rainfed regions wheresoil is porous resulting in sufficient ground water reservoir. The region of the Teesta-Bharamhaputra basin of the subHimalayan West Bengal, India, witnessed the installations of a few minor irrigation projects by the government in selected locations during the mid-eighties. This paper attempts to find the impact of these minor projects on crop output and productivities of inputs used. The area that is endowed with these projects, i. e., project area, has exhibited substantially higher growth of crop output (Rs. 116500 per hectare at farm gate prices) with productive use of inputs vis-a-vis the non-project area which produces Rs. 9067 per hectare at farm gate prices in the same block of a district in North Bengal. There are significant variations in net return per farm as well as per hectare in the two areas.