In the recent years increasing number of organic farms have been recorded in Poland. This also refers to the
analyzed region of Siedlce, which due to the environment, share of protected areas and lack of large industrial
plants, is in favour of the development of organic production. The results of the study show that increasing
the number as well as the size of these farms is not correlated with the development of the market for organic
products. This situation affects most organic producers who do not sell their products on the basis of agreements
with processing plants, warehouses, shops, etc. but it takes place in terms of a one-off transactions. An important
channel is direct sales to a customer at different fairs, festivals and feasts. In this case, farmers must be aware
of the obligations under the existing legislation and they must follow them. Some organic production is sold as
conventional one, which affects in a significant reduction in the profitability of this enterprise. The development
of the production of raw materials and organic products must be followed by rapid development of the market
for organic products. Otherwise, there is no possibility for the development of organic agriculture and it will
result in its stagnation and reducing the number and size of farms in the future.