Increasing uses of forests, such as bioenergy and biodiversity protection, are challenging family
forest owners’ knowledge acquisition and decision making in Finland and elsewhere. Forest
owners are also becoming economically less dependent and spatially estranged from their forest
properties. Simultaneously, publicly funded forestry guidance calls for improved efficiency.
Advisory practices need new ways to reach forest owners and to encourage them for forestry
decisions that are conformable to their forest use goals. A potential model to diversify and
renew guidance are Communities of Practice (CoPs). In CoPs forest owners, possibly together
with experts, gather around an interesting issue, share their experiences and learn from each
other. Learning from peers who are or have been in similar situations could be a relevant
supplement to expert-driven guidance. This study aims to find out if CoPs exist in family
forestry in Finland. To be able to identify them we search for the basic elements of CoPs:
domain, community and practice. Additionally, we study the possibilities to strengthen or even
create new CoPs. The data were gathered via seven focus group interviews, reaching 44
interviewees. Four groups consisted of local forestry professionals and one group consisted of
national forestry extension developers. In addition, there were two different forest owner
groups. Discussions in the groups considered communication between forest owners and
professionals as well as the communication between owners. In addition, contexts, benefits and
drawbacks of learning from the experiences of ‘similar others’ were discussed. Discussions
were taped and transcribed. Qualitative content analysis will reveal the existing CoP-type
features within private forestry in Finland. Particularly, which issues are dealt with and how,
what kind of information is exchanged and who are involved? Furthermore, the promising
elements and barriers of CoPs, as well as the possible role of forestry professionals in
supporting CoPs, will be discussed.