Consumer tests are utilized by medium and large food companies to evaluate new products or test new product formulations on potential buyers. The typical objective is to examine various sensory attributes for liking and to examine whether adjustable product attributes such as saltiness, sweetness and texture are “Just About Right” or need reformulation, but packaging, message, and purchase intent questions can be incorporated or emphasized to evaluate the market. These pieces of information may help a company market its product to retailers or distributors by proof of liking or willingness to purchase. However, though this information is perhaps needed even more by those interested in starting-up a food company. A consumer test could help avoid serious losses in launching a product that consumers either don’t like sufficiently or which will require a price which consumers aren’t willing to pay. A consumer test can also help discover if small adjustments in formulation are needed. Properly executed such a study can also provide evidence to start marketing to retailers or look for financing. Unfortunately the costs of a professionally executed test can be prohibitive.