Statewide agricultural land
values from 3,243 arms-length
market sales in North Dakota
between 2001 and 2004 were
6 percent higher than estimates
derived from the June
Agricultural Survey (JAS) of
National Agricultural Statistics
Service (NASS), and 9 percent
higher than values from the
North Dakota Land Value
Survey (NDLVS). These surveymarket
sale differences varied
substantially in particular
regions and counties and over
time. The geographic
information system (GIS)
technique of 'kriging' was used
to interpolate point-based
market and JAS land values
statewide in a continuous
(raster) format. Few counties
contained homogenous land
values and differences between
market sales and the JAS were
quite large in several specific
(sub-county) areas. Opinionbased
surveys are therefore
considered reasonably accurate
and useful for statewide or
regional applications but are
likely insufficient for county and
more site specific valuation
analyses unless such survey
data is spatially interpolated
(kriged) and disseminated using
GIS technologies.