The stocker cattle grazing enterprise
in the Southern Plains regions of the
United States is an important
economic activity. The objective of
the study was to determine the
difference in the expected net return
of a no-till forage establishment
system relative to the intensive
clean-till establishment system
typically used in the region. Results
show a reduction in fuel, lube,
repairs and labor expenses, and fixed
machinery costs of the conventionaltill
system outweigh the expenses
associated with herbicide and
herbicide application of the no-till
system. Over the eight-year
duration of the study, the no-till
system realized an average of 11
greater days of grazing compared to
the conventional-till system. The
expected net return of the no-till
establishment system was $36.44 per
acre greater than the conventionaltill
system; however, this economic
advantage is sensitive to relative
differences in cattle performance
between systems. It is also sensitive
to the price of herbicide and price of
diesel fuel.