The Slovenian system of management of private forests has been increasingly showing
its deficiencies vis-à-vis its European counterparts. Considering the large number of forest
owners with small and fragmented forest holdings, unfulfilled felling potential and forest
cultivation plans, many accidents at work in private forests, etc., it would be sensible to
use the experience of Austria, where the efficiency of management of private forests has
been significantly enhanced by promoting of business consolidation of forest owners and
supporting rural development measures. These measures should be incorporated in the
new national forest development programme and pave their way to the Slovenian rural
development plan for the period 2007- 2013. This applies particularly to projects in
mountain areas, where limited natural resources make the generation of income from
agriculture more difficult than in flatland areas. The development of business
consolidation of forest owners and stronger integration of forestry into rural development
calls for a clear division of competences between the public forestry service operating
within the Slovenian Forest Service and the forestry service run by the Slovenian Chamber
of Agriculture and Forestry, and for the provision of conditions for their operation.