We investigate land-use dynamics in Jambi, Sumatra, one of the hotspots of Indonesia’ recent oil palm
boom. Data from a structured village survey are used to analyze the role of socioeconomic and policy
factors. Oil palm is partly grown on large plantations, but smallholders are also involved significantly.
We find that, in spite of significant oil palm expansion, rubber remains the dominant crop. Most of the
oil palm growth takes place on previous fallow and rubber land. Oil palm has not been a major driver of
deforestation. Much of the forest in Jambi was cleared more than 20 years ago, and rubber was an
established cash crop long before the oil palm boom started. However, oil palm growth occurs in
locations with ongoing logging activities, so indirect effects on deforestation are likely. The
government’s transmigration program of the 1980s and 1990s was instrumental for the start and spread
of oil palm in Jambi. Some autochthonous villages have adopted oil palm, but adoption started later
compared to migrants from Java, and it happens at a slower pace. While the transmigration program
benefited many of the participating families, it has contributed to the risk of unequal socioeconomic
developments in Jambi.