      recid = {179489},
      author = {Yamoah, Fred and Brett, Adam and Morris, Ian},
      title = {Harnessing the Power of Africa's Sun to Produce Healthy  Products for International Markets: The Case of Fruits of  the Nile (FON), Uganda},
      journal = {International Food and Agribusiness Management Review},
      address = {2014-07-01},
      number = {1030-2016-83013},
      series = {Volume 17},
      pages = {7},
      month = {Jul},
      year = {2014},
      note = {The IFAMR is published quarterly by the International Food  and Agribusiness Management Association. For complete  library visit: www.ifama.org},
      abstract = {FON is a Ugandan company which trains farmers to cultivate  Fair trade and grow organic fresh fruits. They developed a  simple low-tech solar drying technology and sell dried  fruits internationally, and in doing so have improved  skills and incomes along the supply chain. Annual exports  amount to 100 tones bought from 120 primary producer  groups, grown by about 700 farmers. Producer groups are  given hygiene, drying and business training, and farmers  are given cultivation training. The company’s current  challenge is to improve production quality in the context  of ever rising competition and requirements from European  buyers.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/179489},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.179489},