Temeljni cilj rada je istražiti potrošnju domaćih sokova i soka od bazge na domaćem tržištu, te predložiti
ispitanicima veću kupnju funkcionalne hrane. Anketom je obuhvaćeno 120 ispitanika, čiji su rezultati obrađeni
SPSS programu za obradu podataka. Dobivenim rezultatima je utvrđeno da su najvažnije čimbenici kod kupnje
domaćeg soka okus, cijena i kvaliteta. Dokazano je da trećina ispitanika (33,3%) kupuje domaći sok u supermarketima,
što upućuje da bismo tamo usmjerimo razvoj prodajnih kanala. Vidljivo je da potrošači, kupci,
proizvođači i trgovci domaćih sokova od bazge pokazuju sklonost kupnji domaćih sokova iako još uvijek u
relativno malom postotku......The main goal of this paper is to explore the consumption of homemade juices and of the elderberry juice in the home market as well as to encourage participants to increase consumption of functional foods. 120 participants were included in the survey, the results of which were processed by the SPSS program for data processing. The results indicate that the most important factors in buying homemade juice are taste, price and quality. It is proved that one third of consumers (33.3%) buys homemade juice in supermarkets, which indicates that the development of sales chanel should be supermarket-oriented. It is evident that not only consumers and buyers, but also producers and retailers of elderberry homemade juices are inclined to purchase homemade juices, although in a relatively small percentage.