State Recreation Areas (SRAs) fulfil a special role in the New South Wales
system of parks and reserves, by providing facilities for outdoor recreation in
large regional parks in a natural setting.
Arakoon SRA is a 114 ha promontory with 5 kms of sea frontage on the Mid
North Coast, equidistant from Sydney and Brisbane. Some 170 000 camping
and day visitor groups enter the SRA per annum.
The SRA Trustees commissioned the author to canvass user needs and
attitudes to assist planning long term management. Surveys undertaken
resulted in interviewers obtaining information from 11% of the annual
number of overnight visitors, and additionally 6% of households in the
adjacent Kempsey Shire, which was expected to be the main source of day
visitors to the SRA.
Further interview information enabled assessment by contingent valuation
methodology of how visitors value their recreational visits to the area.
This paper reports the results of that assessment. The net recreational value
of the SRA was $552 000 per annun of which approximately 80% accrued
to residents in the Kempsey Shire area.
Conclusions are drawn on the use of CV methodology to value recreation
areas, and highlights some factors to consider when undertaking nonmarket
valuations of natural areas.