This section includes: The Changing Relationship Between Federal, State and Local Governments, by Tim Penny; The Implications of Changing Federalism: County View, by Barbara Sheen Todd; The Implications of Changing Federalism State View, by Tom Stinson; Shaping National Values: A Non-Profit Perspective, by David Mathews; The Role of Religion in Public Policy Debate, by Gary Farley; Does the Press Shape or Reflect National Values? by Hasso Hering; What Does it Mean? by Daryll Ray; Implications of the 1996 Farm Bill-Comments, by Chuck Hassebrook; Implications of the 1996 Farm Bill-Another Comment, by John M. Schnittker; The Changing Work Force and Implications for Work and Family, by Cali Williams; Work-Life: An Interplay of Issues, by Patricia Hendel; Forms of Property Rights and the Impacts of Changing Ownership, by Bonnie McCay; Common Property Issues and Alaska's Bering Sea Communities, by Larry Merculieff; Maine's Lobster Fishery - Managing a Common Property Resource, by James Wilson