      recid = {169846},
      author = {Sharma, Uttam},
      title = {Can Computers Increase Human Capital in Developing  Countries? An Evaluation of Nepal’s One Laptop per Child  Program},
      address = {2014},
      number = {329-2016-13215},
      pages = {60},
      year = {2014},
      abstract = {This paper evaluates the effectiveness of the One Laptop  per Child (OLPC) initiative in Nepal’s primary and  lower-secondary schools.  This evaluation of the OLPC  program in Nepal uses a pre-post test quasi-experimental  design that consists of 26 program schools and 39 control  schools that are spread across six different districts of  the country. A low-cost laptop was provided to each student  in grades two, three and six of the program schools at the  beginning of the Nepali academic year (May 2009). At the  same time, a round of tests in English and mathematics  designed specifically for this program was administered to  all students in grades two, three, four and six in both  program and control schools. The same students were given  similar tests in February 2010 and in June/July 2011. The  impact of the OLPC program is estimated by analyzing how  the program and control schools differ in terms of changes  in test scores (double difference comparisons between  schools and within schools), attendance rates and measures  of non-cognitive skills. The exposure to computer-assisted  learning in Nepal had no impact or a negative impact on  student learning, non-cognitive skills and attendance.  Students from grade 2 in treatment schools did particularly  poorly in year-end English tests compared to control school  students.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/169846},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.169846},