Traditionally the definition and analysis of household well-being has focused
on the main economic measures of income and wealth. However,
there is now an increased interest within the wider economic literature in exploring
those measures which contribute to household well-being which can
extend beyond purely economic measures. Furthermore, from a farm household
perspective, there is increased research and policy interest in the general
well-being of farm households, including how decision-making processes
within the farm family influence overall well-being. This paper explores the
causal effect of both economic an non-economic factors on well-being for
farm and non-farm households in Northern Ireland. The methodology incorporates
two complimentary data sources. The results suggest that almost
three fifths of those living in Northern Ireland report a high level of satisfaction
with life overall, with farm households recording a slightly lower rate
of life satisfaction compared with the non-farm group. Regression results
support the U-shaped life-cycle effect hypothesis. In terms of gender, for
farm based females, the level of education and having an off-farm job has a
positive impact on life satisfaction compared to males. For males, being in
full time employment brings an increase in the life satisfaction overall.