      recid = {166343},
      author = {Brink, Lars},
      title = {Support to Agriculture in India in 1995-2013 and the Rules  of the WTO},
      address = {2014-04-13},
      number = {943-2016-74591},
      series = {IATRC Working Paper},
      pages = {98},
      month = {Apr},
      year = {2014},
      abstract = {India has submitted notifications to the World Trade  Organization (WTO) on
domestic support to agricultural  producers in 1995-2003. This paper reviews India’s  notifications
and summarizes the related discussion in the  WTO Committee on Agriculture of some key issues
relating to  the rules of the Agreement on Agriculture on domestic  support. It calculates price
gaps for rice, wheat, cotton  and sugarcane in 1995 to 2013 under four scenarios  regarding the
external reference price and calculates the  resulting market price support using total production
and  procurement quantities. It compares the associated  Aggregate Measurements of Support
(AMSs) to their limits  based on value of production. The AMSs show large excesses  above their
limits over many years until 2013 for several  crops under some readings of the Agreement but
much less so  if certain adjustments are made. This highlights the  differences among alternative
interpretations of the  Agreement in determining compliance with a country’s  obligations, in
particular the understanding of the fixed  external reference price and the production eligible  to
receive the applied administered price. The paper puts  India’s administered pricing in the context
of the 2013  decision of WTO ministers regarding protection under some  conditions against
challenge under the WTO dispute  settlement mechanism.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/166343},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.166343},