      recid = {161565},
      author = {Chiputwa, Brian and Qaim, Matin and Spielman, David J.},
      title = {Food Standards, Certification, and Poverty among Coffee  Farmers in Uganda},
      address = {2013-12},
      number = {858-2016-60264},
      series = {GlobalFood Discussion Papers},
      pages = {38},
      year = {2013},
      abstract = {Private standards are gaining in importance in global  markets for high-value foods. We analyze and compare  impacts of three sustainability oriented standards –  Fairtrade, Organic, and UTZ – on the livelihoods of  smallholder coffee farmers in Uganda. Using survey data and  propensity score matching with multiple treatments, we find  that Fairtrade certification increases household living  standards by 30% and significantly reduces the prevalence  and depth of poverty. For the other two certification  schemes, no significant impacts are found. Institutional  factors that may explain differential impacts are  discussed.
Overly general statements about the effects of  standards on smallholder livelihoods may be misleading.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/161565},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.161565},