      recid = {160676},
      author = {Zhunusova, Eliza and Kyalo Willy, Daniel and Holm-Müller,  Karin},
      title = {An Analysis of Returns to Integrated Soil Conservation  Practices in the Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya},
      address = {2013},
      number = {309-2016-5226},
      pages = {25},
      year = {2013},
      abstract = {The current study seeks to assess the private benefits  associated with integrated soil conservation practices  (ISCPs) by estimating the marginal value of crop production  that can be attributed to such practices. In areas where  land degradation associated with soil erosion causes  serious agri-environmental challenges such as loss of land  fertility, siltation and eutrophication, an integrated  approach to soil conservation is necessary. However,  notwithstanding efforts to encourage adoption of such  practices, their uptake remains generally low.  Understanding this deplorable status therefore warrants  keen investigations on the effect of ISCPs on crop  productivity. To achieve the objective, the current study  applied propensity score matching and exogenous switching  regression techniques to cross-sectional data collected  from a random sample of farm households located in Lake  Naivasha basin, Kenya. Results indicate that there is a  significant positive effect of implementing integrated soil  conservation practices on crop productivity. However, we  note that whether the additional benefits will cover the  opportunity costs associated with the implementation of  these practices will depend on farm specific attributes. In  cases where marginal benefits are not substantial to over  private incentives for implementation of soil conservation  practices, intrinsic or external incentives could be  necessary.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/160676},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.160676},