In order to more clearly understand the relevance of the forestry land distribution and the terrain factors, basic information was given in this paper on the reasonable utilization of forest resources in mountainous areas and the ecological environment protection. Based on the registration overlay analysis of high resolution aerial, satellite photograph and 1:10 000 topographic map by making use of geostatistics of ArcGIS 9.3, different photo color referred to different types of vegetation landscape, acquired factor data in small classes of woodland with visual interpretation in small classes of woodland and field research, and the correlation between forestry land and topography factors were discussed. It was shown that: in areas of low elevation and low slope where human beings were highly involved, all sorts of forestry land were distributed, which meant evolution and slope had little effect on forestry land, and that in those areas where human activities were lessened little by little with high elevation and high slope, kinds of forestry land decreased accordingly. Furthermore, the irrigated paddy fields were the main types of forestry land on the elevation of 1 200 m and slope above 35°. Differences among kinds of forestry land were comparatively indistinct from the perspective of slope.