Social exclusion is a situation posing limitations to a particular individual
or a group, or even disabling them to access public goods and social infrastructure
and to acquire resources and income in a decent way. Unemployment is
the situation when a part ofpeople who are able to work, look for a job and accept
existing level of salaries, cannot find any employment. This phenomenon is seen
the most clearly in eastern Poland, in the counties situated in the outskirts of
Mazowieckie, Lubelskie, Swiqtokrzyskie and Podkarpackie voivodships. In turn, in
best positions are the inhabitants of cities and their suburbs. When compared, differences
of social exclusion and of development potential of rural areas show significant
degree of spatial correlation of both phenomena. The areas of the highest
unemployment are those of the lowest economic and infrastructural development
indicator. Lower potential of development of these areas is an effect of lack of
non-agricultural economic activities, which then translates into higher degree of
social exclusion and poverty in theses areas.