Agricultural production is going on at the signifi cant part of the total
area of Hungary, thus it is understandable that nature conservation activity is
dependent on the cooperation with agriculture. The cooperation of these two activities
is extremely important in the case of protected grasslands. On one hand
because from a nature conservation point of view, the grassland management systems
own the biggest importance of the inland agricultural systems in Hungary
and on the other hand because in the conservation of these areas grazing animal
husbandry could hold a determinative role.
Being aware of the importance of the harmonization of these two areas, I would
like to emphasize the common interests of these mutually dependent activities
and promote the bilateral cooperation. My main research aim was to create a
grass production model for a protected pasture which model could serve as a tool
for determining animal carrying capacity. Although the prepared grass model
requires further validation, methodical grazing upon strict regulation could be
suggested. My grassland management suggestions satisfy predominantly nature
conservation objectives but do not neglect the rural and regional development
aspects. According to my suggestions over and also under grazing of the examined
pasture could be avoided what is very important in the conservation of
the signifi cant plant and animal species attached to this habitat. Besides, I also
would like to promote local farmers in planning their activity, to get the proper
number of grazing animals that could be kept on the exact protected grassland
year by year.