U.S. farm product exports dropped a record amount in value and volume in
calendar year 1985 to their lowest levels in nearly. a decade. Volume dropped
28 million tons to 118.7 million' tons. U.S. farm imports rose $640 million
in value in 1985 to $20 billion~ despite declines in some products. Imports
from developing countries accounted for $11. 6 billion compared with $7.9
billion from deve1opE1 countries. The U.S. dollar fell about 20 percent in
1985 from its February peak against major currencies. The decline may slow
its pace in 1986 because of more limited foreign government cooperative
with the United States to lower the dollar further. Concessiona1 farm exports
under U.S. Government-financed programs rose to nearly 7.7.mi11ion tons in
fiscal year (FY) 1985 (October 1984-September 1985), about 25 percent
over FY 1984 levels. Value increased about 30 percent to almost $1.7 billion.
Sub-Saharan Africa was the only region in Africa and the Middle East in which
; U. S. Farm- exports increased in 1985•. Exports to the region rose about 40
percent from 1984 levels 5 primarily as food aid to drought-stricken countries.
The United States, France, and the Netherlands remained the top three '
agricultural exporters during 1979-1984~ Brazil moved from fifth to fourth
place in 1984 due to sharply increased coffee export values.