The aim of this paper is overviewing a real picture of poverty in Serbia in the period 2006-
2010, using the data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (consumer price
index - CPI) and the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit (Cabinet of Deputy
Prime Minister for European Integration of RS), as well as research results of relevant
domestic and foreign literature. The percentage of the poor is categorized by: type of
settlements, regional distribution, household type, age and participation of children and
adults, level of education, and socio-economic status of the household. Survey results from
2010 pointed out that poverty is widespread among people living in rural area (13.6%),
particularly among children under 13 years of age (13.7%), in Central Serbia (12.0%),
in multi-member households (16.4%) and in households where the head has a lower
educational level (14,2%) or is unemployed (17.9%). The fact that poor live in rural areas
should not lead to deterioration of the principle of equality in the rights for all citizens of
the Republic of Serbia.