      recid = {151521},
      author = {Quiggin, John},
      title = {Six Refuted Doctrines},
      address = {2009},
      number = {1744-2016-140828},
      series = {Australian Public Policy Program},
      pages = {21},
      year = {2009},
      abstract = {This article examines six widely-held doctrines concerning  economic theory and economic policy that have been refuted,  or at least rendered highly problematic by the global  financial crisis, namely: (i) the efficient markets  hypothesis; (ii) the Great Moderation; (iii) central bank  independence; (iv) trickle down; (v) the case for  privatization; and (vi) individual retirement accounts.  Copyright (c) 2009 The Economic Society of Australia.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/151521},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.151521},