      recid = {151512},
      author = {Bahnisch, Mark and Quiggin, John},
      title = {IR Reform: Choice and Compulsion},
      address = {2006-03-15},
      number = {1744-2016-140813},
      series = {Australian Public Policy Program},
      pages = {31},
      month = {Mar},
      year = {2006},
      abstract = {The paper begins with a schematic survey of the historical  background, which provides the context for the changes  embodied in WorkChoices, briefly described in Section 2.  The core of the paper, Section 3, examines the role of  choice and constraint in the design of the reforms. This  analysis is used to inform an assessment of the likely  implications of reform for wages and conditions, and likely  effects on inequality. A similar analysis is applied to  assess effects on growth, productivity, employment and  unemployment. Finally, we consider possible future  directions for alternative reform strategies},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/151512},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.151512},