      recid = {150237},
      author = {Lefebvre, Marianne and Espinosa, Maria and Gomez-y-Paloma,  Sergio and Piorr, Annette and Zasada, Ingo},
      title = {Agricultural landscapes as multi-scale public good and the  role of the Common Agricultural Policy},
      address = {2013-06},
      number = {1052-2016-85922},
      pages = {20},
      year = {2013},
      abstract = {Since 50 years, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has  impacted the evolution of agricultural landscapes by  driving changes in land use and farming practices in  Europe. Based on a critical literature review, this paper  discusses to what extent the CAP is contributing to the  management of EU agricultural landscapes. Agricultural  landscapes are described as a multi-scale public good.  Optimal management of agricultural landscapes requires  actions on three scales: (1) the management of landscape  elements at farm level, (2) the integration of farms in the  agricultural landscape at landscape level, and finally (3)  the conservation of the diversity of agricultural  landscapes in EU as a global public good. The CAP has until  now mainly focused on the first scale. We show how policy  instruments could be refined for the CAP to integrate the  two other scales. This paper provides a knowledge base to  support an effective CAP policy design in the direction of  improved landscape management, an important component of  the EU project towards a more sustainable agriculture.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/150237},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.150237},