The informal market of purified water in Mexico grew in 2004 to 50% in some areas. Currently,
the sale of bottled water is equivalent to 26.03 million l/year, 18.22 million in water jug and
7.81 million in individual water bottles. However, the commonwealth of Infiernillo,
municipality of Arteaga, Michoacán, the market niche demand is unsatisfied; coupled to 2,600
habitants of the Colonies Pitireras and Morelos consume untreated water, that contain salts and
these are extracted from the dam Infiernillo. The main objective of this research is to evaluate
financially a water purification plant to meet quality and quantity of product demand in the
study area. For this purpose, were evaluated the assessed the economic feasibility, the
economic costs of production and the monetary benefits of commercialization. Financial
indicators Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C)
and Net Benefit-Investment (K/N) are determined using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, the
program analysis projects (ANPRO) and the Statistical Analysis Sistem package SAS.
The economic information was obtained from an water purifying plant pre-feasibility study
carried out in this community. The variables considered were costs of staff (509,400 pesos),
raw and annually supplies (187,635 pesos), costs of fixed investment (309,543 pesos), deferred
(35,087 pesos), annual costs (108,692 pesos) and revenue (3´077, 280 pesos). The results were
going NPV = 6´745, 459.75 pesos; TIR = 44.15%; R B/C = 2.16 pesos and N/K = 21.73. To
perform the analysis of sensitivity of total costs and total income, the project stand a decrease in
the first of an increase of 20%, while in the second case it stand a decrease of 20%. However,
the project shows viability.