The purpose of this study was to determine the importance
of eleven professional competencies related to needs assessment
and program development; a secondary purpose was
to identify the best time these competencies should be learned.
The study followed a survey research design, in which 441
randomly selected extension educators in the North Central
Region of the United States responded to a questionnaire
through an online survey. Results suggest that respondents
perceived nine of the eleven competencies as highly important
for their professional development. High percentages of the
respondents also reported that six competencies should be
learned on the job. Stepwise regression analysis revealed the
demographics of “gender” and “education” as statistically significant
predictors in determining respondents’ perceptions.
Findings indicate a need for flexible staff development programs
for extension educators through graduate education, in-service
programs, and on-the-job training. Findings have implications
for designing new policies for employee selection, training,
professional development, and performance appraisal. Further
study was recommended to determine whether the findings
would be valid at the national level.