      recid = {139456},
      author = {Sevoian, Noelle and Connor, David},
      title = {Providing the Local Story of Produce to Consumers at  Institutions in Vermont: Implications for Supply Chain  Members},
      journal = {Journal of Food Distribution Research},
      address = {2012-03},
      number = {856-2016-58062},
      pages = {6},
      year = {2012},
      abstract = {Farm to institution (FTI) is a movement which aims to  increase procurement of locally grown
foods by institutions  such as schools, colleges, hospitals, senior meal sites,  and correctional facilities.
FTI provides an opportunity  for farmers by expanding their markets, for buyers by  meeting
demand for fresh, locally grown food, and for  distributors by meeting buyers’ demands and expanding
their  network of suppliers. Previous research has discussed the  importance of the story
of the food in creating connections  between farmers and consumers, yet it becomes difficult  to
communicate this story as supply chains lengthen. This  study focuses on institutional procurement
of fresh fruits  and vegetables in Vermont. Face to face, semi-structured  interviews were
conducted with 19 supply chain actors  (farmers, distributors, food hubs and buyers). We find  that
providing the story has both value and cost, with  costs often being borne with those least able to
afford  them.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/139456},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.139456},