This project was supported by the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP),
USDA, Grant # 2009-51181-06035.
In the U.S. agricultural system, small and medium-sized farmers with limited land and capital
resources are unable to compete in the national commodity markets. Direct marketing and agritourism
are used by these enterprises to increase farm income. Agri-tourism may be broadly
defined to include a range of farm-related products and services that are educational, interactive,
or recreational in nature. For many farmers, farm resources (land, buildings, equipment) are not
utilized for many months of the year. The use of existing infrastructure to generate supplemental
farm income is an important strategy for enhancing the profitability of the farm operation. Examples
of agri-tourism include Halloween corn mazes and hayrides, hunting and fishing, festivals,
farm tours, and bed and breakfasts.
In addition to the direct revenue generation, by bringing non-farm residents to the farm, agritourism
also benefits farmers in other ways. Agri-tourism creates positive interactions between
farmers and non-farmers, contributing to a “culture of understanding” that is necessary for both
to coexist. The benefits of agri-tourism also extend beyond the farm gate. Particularly in urbanizing
areas, these activities contribute to and enhance overall quality of life as they expand recreational opportunities, diversify the economic base, promote the retention of agricultural lands
and open spaces, and contribute to community development.
The present study analyzes the influence of demographic characteristics on the likelihood of a
consumer’s participation in hayride events during an agri-tourism visit. An Internet survey pertaining
to direct marketing and agri-tourism was conducted to document the characteristics of
consumers, who buy at farmer-to-consumer direct market outlets and/or visit agri-tourism operations
from Mid-Atlantic States during June and July, 2010. A total of 1134 participants completed
the survey from Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Of the questions asked, respondents
indicated whether they participated in a hayride event during their agri-tourism visit. Based
on their responses, a logit model was developed to predict demographic characteristics of respondents
who participated in hayrides.
Results indicated that about 67% of respondents participated in hayride activities during their
agri-tourism farm visit. According to the model results, those who resided in suburban areas,
male respondents, those between 21 and 35 years of age, those between 36 and 50 years age,
completed two years degree and who’s household annual income was between $40,000 and
$59,999 were more likely to participate in hayrides. Conversely, those who resided in urban areas,
lived more than 20 years at current location, were under 20 years of age, and who completed
a graduate degree were less likely to participate. Study results should provide valuable information
for those developing marketing strategies to increase agri-tourism participation and future
interest in support of local agriculture. Findings of the logistic regression analyses are consistent
with agri-tourism marketing theory from past studies. High intensity of agri-tourism activities
should make agri-tourism an increasingly larger part of the total farming operation in the Mid-
Atlantic area during off season in the years to come. Results will also help form a coalition of all
relevant stakeholders from the Mid-Atlantic States to promote direct marketing and agri-tourism
industry in the region and enhance their knowledge of the industry.