Municipalities have used tax incentives to attract manufacturing
firms to counteract market failures, mobilize resources in blighted areas,
and engage in bidding wars with other jurisdictions. These reasons have
typically been remedies for regions experiencing unemployment and
low growth. However, high growth areas still use tax incentives to manage
growth. In these cases, the costs of growth, especially related to congestion,
pollution, costs of city services and rising prices, must be compared
to economic benefits resulting from a tax incentive. The case study
in this paper is based on a proposal to the city of Fort Collins, Colorado
by Hyundai Corporation, who requested a $25.5 million use tax rebate.
This paper uses a data intensive computable general equilibrium (CGE)
model to estimate endogenously the costs and benefits of growth. Results
of the analysis suggest an $18.15 million rebate was warranted.