This paper develops a theory of employment guarantees when labor markets are
imperfect and when the credibility of government policy announcements could be in doubt.
The basic feature of an EGS is that any individual who satisfies a set of specified criteria is
guaranteed public employment at a given wage if they want it. Thus, the two factors that
define the guarantee are the wage and the ease of access. The problem for the planner is to
choose these to maximize a social welfare function. If the labor market is perfectly competitive,
then the introduction of an employment guarantee scheme is bound to have efficiency costs,
and can only be justified through its positive distributional consequences – this has been the
framework for most of the theoretical and empirical analysis of employment guarantee schemes.
If the labor market is imperfect, however, the announcement of a credible employment guarantee
scheme can improve efficiency through the introduction of contestability in the private labor
market. The paper then considers the issue of credibility and solves for an incentive compatible
employment guarantee scheme in a rational expectations equilibrium. It is shown that the
outcome with a planner who cares only about efficiency can be less efficient than the outcome
with a planner whose social welfare function also gives weight to poverty!