Dairying is a major rural industry in New South Wales (NSW). It contributes significantly to
local economies through farm level activities, by generating substantial downstream employment
and value adding through processing. In recent years dairy farm management has become
increasingly complex with a need to balance numerous, perhaps conflicting, objectives. Farmers
must reconcile their own private goals with those of society. They face intense pressures to
increase production, reduce production costs and increase product quality while simultaneously
conserving natural resources, maintaining lifestyle and achieving other personal objectives. The
extent to which these objectives are mutually achievable may have implications for both the
importance attached to them and related farmer satisfaction. Using survey data from two
hundred NSW dairy farms, this study examines the importance farmers assign to a selection of
objectives and the satisfaction farmers feel in terms of achieving these objectives. Results of
analysis indicate both conflicts and concurrence in the weights assigned. The findings have
implications for farm management, industry policy, the assessment of farm performance and the
operationalisation of sustainability.