The discovery of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as ‘mad
cow disease’, in Japan caused anxiety about consuming beef and beef products. As a
result, there was a sudden fall in sales of beef that hurt the Japanese beef industry as well
as major beef exporters to Japan. We analyse factors that affect Japanese consumers’
willingness to pay (WTP) price premiums for BSE-tested beef and estimate the mean
WTP for BSE-tested beef using data obtained from a consumer survey in Japan. A
single-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation model is used to recover the
premium amount. We find that attitudes to food safety, reduction in beef consumption
following the BSE outbreak, and being female all have a statistically significant positive
effect on the WTP for BSE-tested beef. Interestingly, demographic variables such as
age and income do not affect the WTP, possibly indicating that the BSE scare similarly
affected multiple segments of the population. In our sample, consumers are willing to
pay a premium on average of greater than 50 per cent for BSE-tested beef.