

Our paper analyzes consumer preferences toward fresh rabbit meat and alternative marketing formats for rabbit meat. The empirical analysis uses consumer-level questionnaires to elicit information regarding consumer attitudes toward rabbit meat in Catalonia (Spain). We use the Dual Response Choice Experiment (DRCE) design which allows for analyzing forced and unforced options in choice experiments using the same sample. The Heteroscedastic Extreme- Value (HEV) model is used due to its relaxation of the restrictive assumption made in the Multinomial Logit Model regarding the identically distributed error term across alternatives. Our results demonstrate a higher preference for rabbit meat from “Catalan” origin followed by higher quality certification information. Convenience and “ready to eat” products made from rabbit meat may help bolster increased consumption. An effective communication campaign is needed to educate individuals regarding the health characteristics of rabbit compared to other types of meat. Furthermore, results demonstrate that the ordering of attributes is not significantly different from forced and non-forced choices obtained from the DRCE design. However, significant differences on the magnitude of the preferences for some attributes’ levels are found.




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