In this study there was evaluated the economic profitability of tomato production under
greenhouse conditions four production projects, in an area of 9 040 m2., in the communities of
San Martin, San Pedro and Los Reyes Acaxochitlán's municipality, Hidalgo State, during the
2008-2009 cycle. How indicator was used cost/benefit ratio (C/B). Acaxochitlán's
municipality produces 1,582.3 tons of tomato in a surface of 65 200 m2. In the four projects
reviewed obtained a production of 218 tons, the average selling cosprice was $ 8.25 per
kilogram, and sold in the cities of Tulancingo, Acaxochitlán and Pachuca. Tomato production
proved a profitable activity in the study region since the projects 1, 2, 3 and 4 showed a ratio
C/B of 2.30, 2.65, 3.09 and 1.57, respectively.