      recid = {113532},
      author = {Epplin, Francis M. and Haque, Mohua},
      title = {Policies to Facilitate Conversion of Millions of Acres to  the Production of Biofuel Feedstock},
      journal = {Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics},
      address = {2011-08},
      number = {1379-2016-113752},
      pages = {14},
      year = {2011},
      abstract = {First-generation grain ethanol biofuel has affected the  historical excess capacity problem in U.S. agriculture.  Second-generation cellulosic ethanol biofuel has had  difficulty achieving cost-competitiveness. Third-generation  drop-in biofuels are under development. If lignocellulosic  biomass from perennial grasses becomes the feedstock of  choice for second- and third-generation biorefineries, an  integrated system could evolve in which a biorefinery  directly manages feedstock production, harvest, storage,  and delivery. Modeling was conducted to determine the  potential economic benefits from an integrated system.  Relatively low-cost
public policies that could be  implemented to facilitate economic efficiency are  proposed.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/113532},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.113532},