As food quality becomes more complex, consumer s are tending to reduce their
involvement in the food purchase decision- making process. Consequently, prices are becoming
more significant as they represent an easy choice criterion when consumer s have less information
about the differences between the product and process quality inherent in food items (including
environmental or social issues).
The organic food sector provides high, complex food quality profiles and has therefore been
seriously affected by this development.
Consequently some SMEs in the food business sector are starting to emphasize certain quality
factors, such as sustainable production and processing, as a means of communicating their added
value to consumer s.
Based on published scientific and unpublished literature, this paper provides an overview of the
main instrument s and media of communication on food quality, illustrated by case studies. It also
present s the results of a test by means of an information display matrix, conducted in order to
analyse the consumer information and quality assessment behaviour involved in apple purchase in
Keywords food quality, food indicators, means of communication, food miles, social standards, consumer behaviour.