      recid = {100498},
      author = {Gellynck, Xavier and Kuhne, Bianka and Weaver, Robert D.},
      title = {Relationship Quality and Innovation Capacity of Chains:  The Case of the Traditional Food Sector in the EU},
      address = {2010-10},
      number = {1018-2016-81656},
      pages = {22},
      year = {2010},
      abstract = {The purpose of the paper is to explore how the perceived  relationship quality is related to the innovation
capacity  in chains of the traditional food sector. Based on  suggestions from theory and previous studies,
empirical  evidence is drawn from a survey of 90 traditional food  chains including 270 companies from 3
European countries in  6 traditional food product categories. Heterogeneity across  these chains is first examined
based on cluster analysis  that identifies three distinct clusters interpreted as  reflecting three levels of intensity
in innovation  capacity: high, medium, and low. Next, we define measures  of the chain relationship quality
through characteristics  such as trust, conflict and reputation. The quality of the  chain relationship is then shown
for each innovation  capacity cluster and compared among the clusters. Results  suggest that measures of the
chain relationship quality may  be important factors in providing both an institutional  foundation and a member
motivation for innovation. As chain  relationship quality fosters sharing of resources necessary  for innovation as
well as sharing incentives, these results  further strengthen the emerging conclusion from the  literature that
innovation can be catalyzed by policies  encouraging firms to build strong relationships.},
      url = {http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/100498},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.100498},