

After introducing the status quo of farmers’ net income and gross out value of agriculture of Sichuan Province, and the changes of agricultural output structure, the regression analysis was conducted on the impact of the changes in agricultural structure on the farmers’ net income per capita on strengthens of the data from Sichuan statistical yearbook and by the way of econometrics. The multiple linear regression analysis was conducted on the impact the changes in crop farming on farmers’ net income by using logarithmic demand model. The results show that the agricultural structure has transformed from the dominant crop farming to the all-around developmental trend covering the dominant industry, animal husbandry and forestry, fishery and the other industries; the animal husbandry has greatest impact on famers’ income per capita and the impact of crop farming is slightly weaker than animal husbandry; the crop farming and animal husbandry develop fairly rapid simultaneously and the two all have great impact in farmers’ income; among animal husbandry, the meat and eggs have relatively great impact on farmers’ income, while in crop farming, grain plays the dominant role in affecting farmers’ income, followed by cash crop. Hence, the relevant countermeasures applied to increase farmers’ income are put forward in terms of optimizing the internal structure of agriculture, adjusting the internal structure of crop farming, adjusting the internal structure of animal husbandry and strengthening the support of farmers.




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