

The bulk of this research report addresses the question of where commodity research should be cited across IIAM’s ten agro-ecologies and four zonal research centers. As IIAM decentralizes its scientific human resources to its four zonal center locations, it should not lose sight of the primacy of the Northeast Zonal Research Center in both economic importance and the potential for poverty reduction. Our analysis suggests that the Northeast Zonal Research Center contributes about 40% to value of commodity production and to absolute poverty alleviation. The temptation is that too many resources are allocated to the South Zonal Research Center because the research infrastructure in the south is wider and deeper than in the center and north of the country. If the three other zonal research centers are to fulfill their promise, a few key facilities need to be rehabilitated and strengthened in the center and north. The scarcity of research infrastructure is most constraining in the coastal agroecologies, especially for rice.




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