

The pisciculture can be a gear lever of social and economical development, making possible the effective utilization of the local natural resources, principaly the hídricos and the creation of positions of salaried works. However, countless variables that condition exist or they affect the success of a rural enterprise. In that sense, the present study has as objective demonstrates the organizational and institutional factors capable to affect the development of the fish farming in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. For so much, it was looked for to investigate as the institutions that compose the organizational and institutional atmospheres affect directly and they influence in the growth or direcionamento of the chain in the State. For accomplishment of this work it was used as technique of collection of data, the documental analysis, considering information collected directly in tied institutions the pisciculture as important supplier of data, moreover other public institutions. It can be concluded that the chain of the pisciculture in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul introduces an organized form, with great growth possibilities and enlargement, however, it exists the professionalization need and their agents' investments.




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