

The evolution of the subject of Research on Technology Transfer and Agroindustrial Development at the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Cuautitlán UNAM (School of Advanced Studies at Cuatitlan UNAM) converges with the generation of agricultural business management systems and with the consultancy service and training, as a University-Company articulation strategy; with the purpose of awakening business people's interests in order to discover productivity and competitiveness helping them to become better, transform or revolution its organization in the fight to get present opportunities in the market and the economic surroundings. Above all, the strengthening of the subject is upheld by the evolution of the research method applied to innovation through the use of Seven D's: diagnostic, division, delimitation, definition, development, documentation and disclosure, which put together all works of a researcher-consultant. Its application applies in four areas: The first is the observatory with multidisciplinary characteristics in order to diagnostic, divide, delimit and define the problem. Laboratory is the second area, which focuses on developing theories, knowledge and transcendental instruments in the generation of alternatives of viable solutions for the identified problem. The third area is an unavoidable point towards documenting the history of learning, where the business community may verify or reject the generated results and the consultant may recap the research process and consultancy. The creation of a portfolio of strategic options is the last area which aim is to disclose the benefit of the generated knowledge and present innovative and competitive solutions before society or the agroindustrial sector. The macro-concept of the Seven D's forms the Research and Consultancy Protocol (RCP, PCI=Spanish Initials, 2004 multimedia version), and it constitutes the reference point to establish the dialog, debate and reflection among the academic and business community on the scientific method with a vision focused on generating a new world's perspective surrounding us as well as having an inkling of the future. KeyWords: research, innovation, consultancy, method, company, agrindustrial.




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