

The talents management analysis in the institutions of education, research and farming, livestock and forestry development to public sector of Mexico, comprises of an research at Latin American and the Caribbean level, which is based on the captured answers of 58 panelists experts which they represented 22 education at university level, national and international and research centers and governmental dependencies link to science and technology of the farming, livestock and forestry sector that were captured in a delphi questionnaire designed specifically, as well as 26 participant, decision makers mainly and researchers who represented 16 institutions jeopardize with the farming, livestock and forestry sector development, which expressed their opinions in a strategies forum, during which recommendations of strategic operations were generated. The experts were analyzed, 14 system management elements for the human talents motivation in the education, research and farming livestock development, country public organizations in which it was asked to them on the present and future importance of each one of the elements and with the combination of both questions made an analysis of the evolution to develop the capacities of motivation of talents, since the perception of the panelists changed of evaluations of between 6 and 8 for the management elements, considered like of medium to high importance, towards evaluations of between 8 and 9, considered like of high importance to importance extremely elevated. Finally, they indicated some strategy actions for the human talents motivation as training to the scientific personnel, competitive income, interinstitutional interchanges, financing for the professional stability and institutional infrastructure improves.




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