

Foreword: This list is similar to the lists with the same title compiled in October 1935 for the Seventieth, Seventy-first, and Seventy-second Congresses, respectively, and is designed as a companion to those lists. Agricultural relief prior to the Seventy-fifth Congress has been largely concerned with the passage of emergency legislation in an effort to relieve acute conditions. With the Seventy-fifth Congress there appears to be a definite trend toward the establishment of a permanent agricultural program. In this bibliography bills have been classified under the major agricultural relief plans which were considered in the Seventy-fifth Congress. Titles of bills have not been repeated although it is recognized that some bills might be classified under more than one plan. An effort has been made to bring out in the index the different plans in the separate bills. Extracts from the Congressional hearings on the bills have been included. The numbers following the citations to the hearings are the call numbers used in the Library of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. An author and subject index and a numerical index to the bills and resolutions included have been appended.




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