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Excerpts from the report: The Hastings potato area consists of those portions of three adjoining counties—Flagler, Putnam, and St. Johns—in which potatoes are grown commercially. Normally about one-half the production in the area is in St. Johns County. The remainder is about equally divided between Flagler and Putnam Counties. Approximately 85 to 90 percent of the Florida spring crop acreage is located in the Hastings area. The Hastings potato industry has experienced a wide range of economic problems and changes in status over the past two decades. The primary objectives of the present report are: (1) to delineate and evaluate changes in the industry since the 1957/58 marketing season, (2) to summarize and evaluate attempts to improve marketing over the past decade, and (3) to suggest further modifications in market organization and practices that may help all segments of the industry obtain improved returns.




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