

In this study, the food and nutritional energy requirements in Syria for the years of 2020,2030, 2040 and 2050 were calculated by assessing the demand and capacity of the country. The food requirement (ton/year) based on the various food sectors was calculated, which was used to determine the amount of food to feed Syria. For the enhancement of the food productivity, the shortcomings in the sector were identified. It was also aimed to provide a guidance on which basic steps should be taken during the rehabilitation period by assessing the agricultural and food self-sufficiency of Syria and help to develop a food policy for Syria’s future. According to the results, after the crisis/war in the future, the population of Syria will increase and reach to about 34 million in 2050. Syria will face with difficulties in feeding this expanding population, which is two-folds the current number. Additionally, climatic change will cause more arid region in Syria due to its geographical position, therefore it will depress the growth of food. Food security will also be another problem for Syria after the crisis/war.




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