

A field experiment was conducted at Bangladesh Agricultural University Farm, Mymensingh, during the Boro season 2006 to evaluate the response of transplanted Boro rice (BRRIdhan29) under different irrigation practices. Five irrigation treatments viz. 5 cm standing water was maintained throughout the growing season (Ti), 5 cm standing water was applied as soon as water disappeared from the field i.e. saturation was reached (T2), 5 cm standing water was applied 3 days after disappearing of standing water (T3), 5 cm standing water was applied 5 days after disappearing of standing water (T4) and 5 cm standing water was applied 7 days after disappearing of standing water (T5) were used. Each treatment was replicated thrice. Triple super phosphate (TSP) and muriate of potash (MP) fertilizers were applied before transplanting at the rate of 77 kg/ha and 59 kg/ha, respectively and urea fertilizer was applied thrice, namely, before transplanting, 20 days after transplanting (DAT) and 35 DAT equally in all treatment plots at the rate of 304 kg/ha. BRRIdhan29 was transplanted on 3 February and harvested on 27 May 2006. Irrigation treatments showed significant effects on the yield and—yield contributing characters of Boro rice (BRRIdhan29). The results showed that the highest grain yield of 9.56 t/ha was obtained in treatment T2 followed by T1 (9.51 t/ha) and T5 gave the lowest grain yield of 7.06 t/ha. It was also found that the reduction in grain yield in T3 was 1.79% in comparison to treatment T1, whereas, the water productivity was increased by 25% more than that of Ti. The application of irrigation water 3 days after disappearing of standinvNater (T3) together with T4 and T5 will considerably save the water but reduced the grain yield significantly. Therefore, from the experimental findings, it may be inferred that 5 cm standing water applied 3 days after disappearing of standing water (T3) produced the satisfactory yield for BRRIdhan29.




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